Miracle Flights

Since 1985, weve provided more than 127,000 free flights to those in need of life-changing medical care not available in their local communities.

In our 35 year history, weve helped families in every corner of the country.

Here are our flight departures by state

Almost all Miracle Flights patients suffer from medical conditions treated by only a handful of experts located across the country, which makes medical travel a necessity. While insurance may cover actual treatment, it rarely covers the cost of travel.

As a result, many patients go untreated or misdiagnosed, simply because they cant get to the medical experts who can effectively treat their condition. Thats where Miracle Flights comes in. We alleviate the financial burden of travel so families can focus on treatment and recovery.

We fly everywhere, every time.

Our team provides commercial plane tickets to all U.S.-based medical treatment facilities at no cost to families. Thanks to the generous support of our donors, were able to fly patients as many times as needed. Weve been flying some for more than 18 years.

We fly everyone, of every age.

We help treat all diseases for patients of every age. Simply put, well fly anyone with a complex medical need who requires distant medical care.

We believe in the healing power of family.

Well pay to fly both parents or legal guardians of patients under 18. Well pay to fly a caregiver or companion for adult patients.