Eden United Church of Christ

Welcome to Eden United Church of Christ

Eden UCC has had a remarkable 100+ year history with multiple generations having been baptized, confirmed, married and eulogized here.

We have been comforted, praised, encouraged and joined together as a family by this congregation.

We are your neighbors and we want to get to know you better!

Whoever you are or wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

We are a congregation of the United Church of Christ, a denomination of mainstream reformed Protestantism. 

We are a faith community with a warm heart, an open mind, and an engaging spirit.

We are your neighbors and we’d love to get to know you better! 

We are a church that is welcoming of all people, enjoying the spontaneity of children and the wisdom of life experience.

Ages here range from newborn to nonagenarians. Eden United Church of Christ’s family is committed to serve, learn, nurture, and grow with God in faith and ministry in the community.

We look forward to celebrating Eden for many, many years to come.