Thomas J. Bulger, CPA

We offer many solutions related to business improvement and business transition. Stragegic Advantage is one example

Strategic Advantage

Strategic Advantage is a practical, easy to use business application designed to help you develop a strategic plan for your business, along with a step-by-step action plan to achieve your business objectives. The process also allows for translating the milestones that build the objectives into a project plan to ensure that they stay on track while implementing the objectives.

A strategic plan points to specific results that are to be achieved and establishes a course of action for achieving them. A strategic plan also helps the various work units within your organization to align themselves with common goals and provides direction and focus for all employees.

In order for a business to be successful, there needs to be a roadmap for success a strategic plan. Arguably, a leading cause of business failure is not having a strategic plan in place that is being implemented and monitored for results.

Yet most business owners tend to be so immersed in day-to-day operations that they have difficulty seeing what lies ahead - both the threats and the opportunities. Nor do they have the skills and the understanding to go about developing your own plan.