Mahtomedi Area Educational Foundation

Mahtomedi Area Educational Foundation

For over 35 years, the Mahtomedi Area Educational Foundation (MAEF) has been a driving force behind the educational advancement of Mahtomedi Public Schools, supporting students from infancy through graduation (E-12). Our unwavering dedication has enriched learning experiences by investing in innovative teaching methods, academic excellence, and fundamental student needs. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of families, district personnel, community members, and local businesses, MAEF has contributed more than $3 million to Mahtomedi Public Schools, creating a lasting impact.

MAEF's legacy of transformative initiatives includes bolstering literacy through classroom libraries, prioritizing mental wellness via programs like Zephyr Wellness, fostering student engagement in diverse clubs, equipping learners and educators with digital tools, and nurturing artistic creativity through programs like the Ellen C. Bruner Professional Performing Artist Residency and the Fab Lab at Mahtomedi High School. Our governance is guided by a dedicated Board of Trustees, and we collaborate closely with community representatives to ensure a well-rounded approach to education. As we move forward, MAEF continues to be a catalyst for educational excellence, propelling Mahtomedi students toward a future of success and impact.