Things On The Wall

As an acrylic artist who also enjoys gardening, I arrived in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 2012 with my family from a land far away (New Zealand), where Spring is in October and it's already tomorrow. Moving from sea level where anything planted grows prolifically to high-altitude gardening was quite a shock.

After frustrating gardening experiences, a friendly neighbor told me, "When you plant things here, they sleep, creep, and leap in their own time." That didn't cut it for me, so I picked up a paintbrush and created big, bold sunflowers on our wall.

It snowed 2 months later and from the warmth of our living room, my wife said the colorful flowers made her "feel happy." Right on!

In 2014, I registered Things on the Wall - confident I could help people replace their cold, drab concrete walls with color and character they could enjoy year-round.

The success of my mission - to BRING JOY to others - is born out of my client's testimonials. You'll even read some canine compliments!

Changes in lifestyle have encouraged many people to improve their quality of life at home. During 2020 and 2021 I've had the privilege of adding value to over 200 homes.