Professional Business Solutions LLC

We offer a variety of tax and business services. If you arent sure if we do it, please ask!

We are here to help you behind the scenes so that you can spend more time building your business and less time on the paperwork.

Please, feel free to browse our website to see the services we offer as well as the many helpful resources that we provide. When you are ready to learn more about what we can do for you, we encourage you to contact us.


Each client is unique and has different needs. We see each case as individual and offer services based on your specific case. Having an IRS Enrolled Agent in the office allows us to handle complicated IRS situations.


We work with clients in several countries, and multiple states. We have built relationships with clients who used to live here in Las Vegas, and have chosen to stay with us when they move. We are happy to accommodate the many different laws and regulations of differing states.


Rest assured that when a need arises, our firm is ready and capable to handle everything for you so you can focus on what matters most to you.